Introducing InGender Media

Welcome to InGender Media.

At its very core InGender is a multimedia platform that creates interactions that cause or give rise to a feeling, situation, or condition. A place where we capture IDEAS: Inspiration, Disruption, Empathy, Action and Social Innovation. A place where you can take a glimpse into the future – and help shape it. A place where the global community can be empowered to achieve sustainable equity and justice.

InGender was born out of the need to highlight the stories of individuals and organizations working to alter the global social status-quo by utilizing a gendered lens in their work. In the words of award winning author and creator, Kobi Yamada: “Every life comes with a story … and a possibility for a great adventure.” Yet, so often, the stories and adventures of individuals working to make a positive change in the world are often lost in a myriad of articles, tweets, viral videos, snaps, and posts. The organizations who commit themselves to advancing justice and equality often don’t make the headlines in major news outlets. And when “gender” issues do appear in mainstream media, they are often presented as an afterthought, used as a marketing tool, or dismissed as being nonsensical.

InGender aims to provide a space for meaningful engagement with complex issues and ideas, through a gendered lens.

A space where the idea of what is normal is challenged. A space where issues of identity are explored. A space where individuals can be inspired to take empathic action to create solutions to the challenges they are facing in their own lives and communities.

We hope you join us on the inspiring journey we are about to embark on.

With love,

The InGender Team


“If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be.”

Maya Angelou